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Peer-reviewed journal articles

Kapelle, N., & Monden, C. (2024) Transitory or chronic? Gendered loneliness trajectories over widowhood and separation in older age. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, online first. doi: 10.1177/00221465231223719 | Replication files | PDF | Working paper

Schechtl, M., & Kapelle, N. (2024) The male marital earnings premium contextualized: Longitudinal evidence from the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Journal of Marriage and Family, 86(1). 176-198. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12937 | Replication files | PDF

Kapelle, N., Nutz, T., Tisch, D., Schechtl, M., Lersch, P. M., & Struffolino, E. (2022) My wealth, (y)our life satisfaction? Sole and joint wealth ownership and life satisfaction in marriage. European Journal of Population, 38(4). 811-834. doi: 10.1007/s10680-022-09630-7 | Replication files | PDF

Kapelle, N. (2022) Time cannot heal all wounds: Personal wealth trajectories of divorcees and the married. Journal of Marriage and Family, 84(2), 592-611. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12824 | Replication files | PDF

Kapelle, N., & Vidal, S. (2022) Heterogeneity in family life course patterns and intra-cohort wealth disparities in late working age. European Journal of Population, 38(1), 59-92. doi: 10.1007/s10680-021-09601-4 | Replication files | PDF

Kapelle, N., & Baxter, J. (2021). Marital dissolution and personal wealth: Examining gendered trends across the dissolution process. Journal of Marriage and Family, 83(1), 243-259. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12707 | Replication files | PDF

Kapelle, N., & Lersch, P. M. (2020). The accumulation of wealth in marriage: Over-time change and within-couple inequalities. European Sociological Review, 36(4), 580–593. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcaa006 | Replication files | PDF

Spallek, M., Haynes, M., Baxter, J., & Kapelle, N. (2020). The value of administrative data for longitudinal social research: A case study investigating income support receipt and relationship separation in Australia. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 23(5), 467-481. doi: 10.1080/13645579.2019.1707984 | PDF

Book chapters

Rüttenauer, T. & Kapelle, N. (Forthcoming) Panel Data Analysis. In: U. Liebe (Ed.) Handbook of Quantitative Methods in Sociology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Working paper

Kapelle, N. (Forthcoming) Money, work, and wealth in partnerships. In: D. Mortelmans, L. Bernardi & B. Perelli-Harris (Ed.) Research Handbook on Partnering across the Life Course. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Kuper, H., & Kapelle, N. (2012) Lehrerkooperation aus organisationssoziologischer Sicht [Cooperation between teachers from the perspective of organisational sociology]. In: E. Baum; T.-S. Idel & H. Ullrich (Ed.) Kollegialität und Kooperation in der Schule: Theoretische Konzepte und empirische Befunde (pp. 41-51). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. PDF


Kapelle, N. (2020). May your wealth be easily divisible by two: Marital dissolution and personal wealth of German men and women over the life course [Doctoral dissertation]. Brisbane: Institute for Social Science Research, University of Queensland. PDF

Work-in progress

Kapelle, N., Frémeaux, N., Leturcq, M., & Lersch, P. M. The cohabitation wealth premium: Comparing France, and East and West Germany. Under review after revision. Working paper

Kapelle, N., & Weiland, A. The intra-couple gap in retiree’s financial resources: Its extent and predictors across Eastern and Western Germany. Under review after revision

Kapelle, N., & Van Winkle, Z. Changes in wealth over the process of widowhood across European Countries. Under review after revision. Working paper

Kapelle, N., & Rowold, C. Uncovering what matters: Family life course aspects and personal wealth in late working age. Under review. Working paper

Tilstra, A., & Kapelle, N. Breaking bonds, changing habits: Understanding health behaviours during and after marital dissolution. Under review. Working paper

Althaber, A., Kapelle, N., & Leuze, K. Independent money management and partners’ relative resources: Comparing Eastern and Western Germany. Under review.

Kapelle, N., & Jessee, L. Navigating grey divorce: Dynamics of parent-adult child relationships in the United Kingdom. Invited for submission to special issue.

Cabib, I., Kapelle, N., Azar, A., & Biehl, A. Family life course pluralization and differentiation across liberal regime countries.

Nutz, T., Kapelle, N., & Tisch, D. Gendered pathways to wealth: The self-assessed relevance of different accumulation channels across the wealth distribution. In preparation for submission.

Zoch, G., & Kapelle, N. From parenthood to planet care? The evolution of environmental and climate concerns during family formation. In preparation for submission. Working paper

Kapelle, N., Vargha, L., Hornung, M., & Fasang, A. Diversity in intra-couple income inequalities across different welfare contexts